for comply task of nature conservation
resources and ecosystem in second grade.
of course: Mr. Fahriza Luth, S.Hut.
Arranged by:
Rizki Nur Apriliani
features and functions within a watershed influence the quality and prevalence
of water resources, and determine the extent to which the natural system can
moderate the effects of human activities. This chapter describes the natural
processes that move water through the watershed and how these processes affect
water quality. An understanding of these processes is essential in order to
protect them and to manage demands on the system, so that valued water uses can
be maintained.
Watershed Hydrology
watershed represents a unique physical unit within which water moves
continuously in a cycle that begins with rain or snow. Within the watershed
landscape, plant leaves will intercept some rain and snow, where it will
evaporate back into the air. Rainwater and melted snow may infiltrate the soil
or flow overland to be stored temporarily in depressions, wetlands or lakes.
Groundwater forms when surface water seeps through the soil to varying depths
and collects in aquifers. Groundwater can remain stored underground and then
re-emerge as springs or discharges to rivers, lakes or wetlands, within a
period varying from a few days to thousands of years. Eventually, water flowing
over the surface or through the ground makes its way into rivers and lakes, or
is taken up by vegetation, where it evaporates or transpires to begin the cycle
again (More 1969). Natural watershed characteristics, such as geology, climate,
landform, soils, and vegetation influence the processes responsible for water
cycling. Therefore, these characteristics help determine how much water is available
as surface supplies in rivers or lakes, or as groundwater in aquifers.
affects the watershed directly by the distribution of rainfall and temperature.
Variations in rainfall can be described by the intensity and type of storms,
which in part influence groundwater recharge, streamflow and flooding patterns.
Light rainfall that extends over a long duration has more time to infiltrate the
soil and replenish groundwater supplies. Alternatively, high intensity
thunderstorms that deposit large volumes of rainwater in a relatively short
period of time cause rapid overland runoff and flash flooding of rivers and
streams. The shape of the land, determined by geology and weather, greatly
influences drainage patterns. The density of streams and the shape of a
watershed, in turn, affect the rate of overland runoff relative to
infiltration. Soil types influence the rate of water movement. For example,
finely grained soils, such as clays, have very small spaces between soil
particles, inhibiting infiltration and thus promoting greater surface runoff.
Conversely, coarse soils, such as sands, have larger pore spaces allowing for
greater rates of infiltration and reduced runoff. Soil texture, structure,
moisture holding capacity and local topography are important factors
determining the susceptibility of land to erosion.
plays many roles in the water cycle. It intercepts rainfall, impedes overland
flow, and promotes infiltration. Vegetation also uses water for growth. All of
these factors reduce the quantity of runoff to streams. Vegetation binds and
stabilizes soil, thereby reducing the potential for erosion. Vegetation also
stabilizes stream banks and provides habitat for aquatic and terrestrial fauna.
Land use activities that affect climate, landform, soils, or vegetation also
impact the natural distribution of water within the watershed landscape.
Temperature increases expected over the next 20-50 years, associated with
global climate change, are likely to cause more intense storms and longer
periods of drought, which will affect the distribution of water resources
within Ontario. Water shortages, extreme flood events, and a shift in natural
habitats, among other things, are predicted. Activities, such as urbanization and
agricultural practices, can alter the slope of land and channel form; pave over
or compact soils; remove vegetation; and have many other effects. These effects
all result in changes in the water balance. That is, they can change the
proportion of rainwater that flows overland relative to that stored,
evaporated, infiltrated, or taken up by plants and transpired.
Current Issues
in Water Management
major watershed issue in southern Ontario is keeping the watershed healthy
(economically, socially and environmentally) while accommodating growth. Urban
areas are progressively looking for additional surface and groundwater
supplies. Increasingly, these supplies are being depleted by others or are
being contaminated by pollutants. Growth management includes planning ahead for
determining appropriate land uses, ensuring adequate water supply; protecting
surface and groundwater quality; allocating water with consideration for
long-term planned commitments to future water supply and the environmental needs;
and planning growth with consideration for the river and groundwater system
capacity to receive wastewater.
Surface water
and groundwater quality
supply for both human consumption and for maintaining aquatic/fishing resources
is dependent on maintaining adequate quality in surface water and groundwater.
Water allocation
allocation will become an increasing issue as growth proceeds. Increasing
population and intensif ication of agriculture both result in an increase in
water use. Instream demands include recreational and industrial uses (i.e.,
hydroelectric production, navigation). The aquatic ecosystem, including fisheries,
wetland and riparian habitats, is also dependent on a sustainable supply of
water for its existence.
River system
capacity for wastewater
a watershed scale, surface water is used to dilute effluent from sewage
treatment plants and a variety of non-point sources of pollution. A
watercourse’s capacity to assimilate contaminants is directly dependent on the
quantity and quality of water available for dilution.
Pathways and Treatment Processes
water cycle serves as a pathway for the transport of natural and introduced
materials that influence the quality of the water. However, there are natural
purification processes operating within the watershed that help protect the
integrity of water supplies and overall environmental health.
Types of
compounds, pathogens, and organic compounds can harm water quality when present
in excessive amounts. These contaminants can adversely affect the health of
humans, fish and wildlife. Inorganic compounds include all compounds that do
not contain carbon. Nutrients (e.g., nitrates and phosphorus) and heavy metals
are two examples. Nitrates can cause problems in drinking water, because they
become toxic nitrite within the digestive tract. Nitrite causes
methemoglobinemia, or blue baby syndrome, which impairs the blood’s ability to
transport oxygen. Phosphorus promotes plant and algae growth. Algae can taint
the taste of drinking water and foul aquatic habitat. Certain heavy metals are
toxic to humans and wildlife. Heavy metals include iron, cadmium, mercury, lead
and others. Pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, are the leading cause of
water borne disease outbreaks. Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and, well known, E.
coli. 157, all cause illnesses and sometimes even death when consumed. Organic
compounds include Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) like benzene, toluene, xylene;
semi-volatile compounds like phenol and napthalene; PCBs and pesticides.
Today’s pesticides
are generally
less toxic and less persistent than those used in the past, but their presence
in water is still a concern as they are thought to be linked to endocrine
(hormone) disruption in humans.
compounds and pathogens occur naturally in soil and water. Certain land use
activities, however, can accelerate their release and introduce excessive concentrations
of contaminants in localized areas. Sources of contaminants are referred to as
either point or non-point. Point sources are easily identified because they
usually come out of a “pipe”. Examples include sewage treatment plants,
combined sewer overflows, industrial plants, livestock facilities, spills, and
others. Non-point sources refer to widespread, seemingly insignificant amounts
of pollutants, which cumulatively threaten water quality and natural systems.
Examples of non-point sources include improperly managed septic systems;
agricultural, forestry or mining practices; construction activities; careless
household management, lawn care, as well as road, parking lot and other urban
chemical and biological functions associated with natural watershed features
work together to remove pollutants from water (Hammer 1992). Physical
filtration and sedimentation of particles occurs as water flows overland
through vegetation or percolates through soils. Dense vegetative cover, shallow
grades, and porous soils enhance these processes. As sediment particles are
deposited, so too are many other contaminants, such as metals, hydrocarbons and
bacteria, that are removed by chemical adsorption to the sediment particles.
Storage or temporary detention of water in ponds, lakes or depressions further enhances
the opportunity for sedimentation of inorganic contaminants, and also allows
time for die-off of bacterial or viral contaminants.Chemical reactions and
biological decomposition may break down complex compounds into simpler
substances. Through absorption and assimilation, plants can remove nutrients
from the water to aid in their own growth.
also take up other contaminants, such as heavy metals, binding them into woody
material for long periods of time. A by-product of plant growth is oxygen,
which increases the dissolved oxygen content of the water, air, and soil around
it. Oxygen aids in aerobic bacterial decomposition of pollutants, as well as
sustaining life for many organisms that in turn convert other pollutants to
beneficial uses. Dilution, while not a true treatment process, is sometimes
recognized as contributing to the assimilation of contaminants to acceptable
levels within a watershed. The cleaner the water body is, the greater its
potential assimilative capacity. The relative significance of each of these
processes depends on the natural characteristics of the watershed, and on the
degree to which sensitive natural features and their functions are protected
from the adverse impacts of land use activities.
Effect of Watershed Processes on Water Supplies
natural water cycling and water treatment processes within a watershed play a
role in influencing the abundance and quality of water supplies. However,
certain processes have a more direct effect than others. In Ontario, domestic
water supplies are drawn from three primary sources: 1) groundwater, either via
private wells or public communal wells; 2) river-based surface water; or 3)
lake-based surface water. Groundwater supplies are directly affected by changes
in the natural rates of recharge (infiltration) and groundwater use. However,
even a plentiful groundwater supply may be lost if it becomes contaminated. Groundwater
quality can be affected by a variety of land use practices, such as septic
fields, agricultural operations, or underground storage tanks. Groundwater
supplies are especially vulnerable to contamination
when high-risk
land uses are located within prime recharge areas.
Sustained baseflow and water levels in rivers
and streams is dependent upon properly managed surface runoff and groundwater
levels. River and stream water quality reflects the natural geologic setting of
the basin. In southern Ontario, most streams are impacted in some way by land
use activities that generate pollutants and runoff, and by loss of the natural
filtering capacity of wetlands, forests and vegetated stream buffers. Increased
surface runoff and streamflow can erode streambanks adding to the sediments and
other contaminants already carried in the watercourse. Streams that receive
groundwater discharge can also be impaired by contaminated groundwater. Similar
to rivers, lake water levels are dependent upon properly managed surface runoff
within the lake catchment and on groundwater levels. Nearshore lake water
quality, while influenced by contaminant loads from the entire lake basin, is
affected by contaminants carried down from local watersheds and from direct
groundwater and surface water discharges to the lake.
chapter describes the natural processes that move water through the watershed
and affect water quality. The water cycle serves as a pathway for the transport
of natural and introduced materials that influence the quality of water. The
chapter describes the type of contaminants, the source, and the natural functions
that work as treatment process to remove contaminants from the water cycle. The
watershed processes influence the quantity and quality of water supplies drawn
from ground water and surface water.
The Watershed
Management Process
watershed management process can be seen as a continuum that includes producing
a plan, implementing the plan (act), monitoring the effectiveness of the plan,
and evaluating and updating the plan. This seemingly simple process,
illustrated in Figure 3.1, is often difficult and complex to carry out. Despite
the difficulties, the process is valuable because it promotes a systematic and
logical way of thinking and a framework for making decisions with regard to
water and land use. This section briefly describes the process. The watershed
partners (province, municipalities, conservation authorities, aboriginals,
private water users, the various other interested parties and the general
public) are involved in all aspects of the management process. The process can
be used for relatively straightforward problems where only one or two participants
are involved, as well as complex problems involving a number of partners and
participants and a large degree of uncertainty.
Watershed Planning
issues and underlying interests should be identified as soon as possible in the
planning stage. All affected stakeholders or partners should be consulted as
early in the process as possible. Often this is done at the outset by creating
an informal group. As the group develops a working relationship and purpose, a more
formal structure is developed with a steering committee to clearly define roles
and responsibilities for all partners. Partners should be prepared to help
develop the watershed plan and implement the plan recommendations. Typical
issues of interest relative to this paper are:
· water supply
crises, inadequate supplies of surface or groundwater to meet present and
· pollution of
surface and groundwater systems;
· harmful
impacts on wetland and aquatic systems.
Creating a
vision, goals and objectives
problems or issues are clearly defined, it is necessary to quickly establish a vision,
goals, and obje ctives. The “vision” is the big picture of the desired state of
the watershed in the future. This provides a focus for planning and a standard
against which progress and management options can be measured. A simple vision
for water supply/water quality purposes could be: “We want enough clean
drinking water to supply all the needs of a growing community without
compromising the health and sustainability of our waterways and forests.”
Goals are the
specific states we must reach to improve ecosystem and human health in the
watershed. Specific goals give the direction for improvement. Compatible goals
for our vision would include:
· provide
adequate water supply to watershed communities, while still providing
sufficient water
for environmental concerns;
· restore,
protect, and enhance water quality for water supplies and aquatic resources;
· protect and
restore the natural resources (land, water, forest, and wildlife) of the
Objectives are
the measures or targets toward achieving the specified goals. Finally, it is
most important to achieve community consensus about the relative importance of
the problems
or issues and
the appropriateness of goals and objectives.
Getting the
information together
decision making within the framework of watershed management requires comprehensive
understanding of the current state of the natural environment, its historical
characteristics, societal values, and where possible, economic influences.
Determination of the information required and the level of detail is based on
the watershed issues. Watershed planning projects typically begin with a
“background review and assessment of available information” in order to
identify and initiate efforts to fill information gaps. The completed
information base allows the participating watershed partners to have a common
understanding of physical features, processes, and community issues that
presently exist and once existed in
the watershed.
This information provides the building blocks with which to create predictive
models of the system to evaluate the impacts of proposed management options.
Due to funding and time limitations, particular attention should be paid to
collecting information needed to address the agreed upon issues.
participatory process
legal and institutional division of water responsibilities among various levels
of government and the common property nature of water requires participation
from a variety of government, nongovernment, community, and private interests
in decision-making. Through a participatory process, it is possible to:
(a) define the
problems more effectively;
(b) access information
and understanding that fall outside the scientific realm;
(c) identify
alternative solutions that will be socially acceptable;
(d) create a
sense of ownership for the plan or solution, which facilitates implementation
(Mitchell, 1997, pp 155-156).
a participatory process should be part of watershed management, particularly in
the following phases:
(a) defining the
issues, goals, and objectives;
(b) providing
information to aid the understanding of watershed processes;
(c) evaluating
options and alternatives in the formulation of the watershed plan;
(d) creating
linkages, partnerships, and action plans for implementation.
a participatory process may extend the time needed during the initial stages of
analysis and planning, such an investment is normally “returned” late in the
process by avoiding or minimizing conflict. For this reason, public involvement
is encouraged as early and as broadly in the process as possible to be most
effective (Smith, 1982).
A quarter of a
century ago, public involvement was seen as unnecessary and superfluous, if not
downright invasive, by many decision-making bodies. Decisions were made at the
“top” by provincial and federal agencies with little input from those affected.
Today the trend is towards a “bottom up” approach where decision-making takes
place at the local level. Watershed management requires a marriage of both
approaches. It means that those who implement actions must be directly
involved. A shared, collaborative approach is required to ensure that
implementation is carried out and that the management plan does not sit on a
shelf. This requires government agency participation and support as well as
strong community involvement.
Some examples of
successful participation and collaboration dealing with water supply and water
quality issues include:
1. The Grand
Strategy –
building on the 1982 Grand River Basin Study, a multi-agency study dealing with
water supply, water quality, and flood issues, The Grand Strategy, co-ordinated
by the Grand River Conservation Authority, provides a forum for partners
(municipalities, community groups, agencies, schools, businesses, and others)
to pool resources, determine priority actions and celebrate successes. As part
of this process, water managers within the watershed meet regularly and
progress is being made toward updating the Grand River Water Quality Model,
first developed as part of the Basin Study, and comple ting a water budget and
water supply strategy.
2. The Torrance
Creek Subwatershed Study – undertaken by the City of Guelph, in co-operation
with the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), this study investigated the
best means of developing the creek without impacting both existing city
groundwater supplies, and environmental features such as wetlands. The
watershed steering committee included city representatives, developers, golf course
owners, and various citizens' groups.
3. The Maitland
Watershed Partnerships (MWP) – initiated by the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority, 34 organizations and agencies with an interest in
resource management have formed a steering committee to examine best management
approaches to managing water, agriculture and forestry.
Developing the
watershed plan
the watershed goals and objectives are clear, tools are then developed to
design and evaluate workable management options for achieving the goals.
Management options may include measures that use technology or structures
(sometimes called structural methods) and those that rely on changes in human behaviour
or management practices (sometimes called “non-structural” measures). Generally
speaking, structural measures such as treatment plant improvements are easier
to implement, although considerably more costly than non-structural measures.
Non-structural measures, for instance, encouragement of crop rotation and the
installation of vegetated stream buffers, tend to be inexpensive but are
difficult to implement
because people
must change entrenched behaviours. Most watershed management strategies include
a mixture of structural and non-structural measures designed to meet the issues
of a particular watershed. For instance, options that are typically explored to
increase water supply are:
(a) increased
ground water supplies, from existing or new sources;
(b) surface
water withdrawals from local sources or by pipeline;
(c) construction
of surface water reservoirs and/or utilization of groundwater storage through
recharge or infiltration schemes;
(d) control of
water demand by water conservation, programs, etc.
to deal with the contamination of ground water aquifers and surface water
streams one could implement preventative measures such as:
(a) land-use
controls to establish groundwater protection areas;
(b) controls of
rural and urban non-point sources of pollution;
(c) increase
levels of treatment at sewage treatment plants; or reactive measures such as
the level of treatment at water treatment plants. With the assistance of the
watershed partners, various projects or options are combined into management alternatives
to meet the goals and objectives of the watershed planning process. These
alternatives are then evaluated to determine their effectiveness, costs,
benefits, and environmental and social impacts. Modern computer technology
greatly facilitates this task. Several tools used to screen and evaluate the
effectiveness of
various alternatives include: For water supply alternatives:
· flow
simulation models for both surface and groundwater,
· water budget
models. And for water quality alternatives:
· stream water
quality model,
· land use water
quality model.
Appendix A
briefly describes some of the evaluation tools.
alternatives are evaluated under present and future scenarios. It is
particularly important at this final stage of plan development that the public
and interested agencies have an opportunity to comment on the strategies being
tested and to recommend different strategies for evaluation. After due consultation,
a preferred management alternative is selected. This alternative is the basis
for the watershed plan, which stipulates what actions are needed to accomplish
the objectives. Time frames, costs, and responsibilities for implementation are
also stipulated in the plan.
recommendations specify the work needed, the desired result, technical and
staffing needs, costs, and a follow-up review for the effects of the action.
Recommendations include the logical sequence in which the remediation takes place
(e.g., undertake upstream work before downstream work, ensure that cattle
access is restricted before repairing stream banks). Phasing of actions allows
time to acquire funding for some parts of the project, provides a logical
progression for improvement, or fits actions into future agency work plans.
Some actions should be identified that are relatively easy to complete in a
short time to provide incentive and encouragement for future work.
Risk assessment
than relying only upon end-of-pipe solutions (increased levels of treatment) to
reduce the risk of human exposure to contaminants, the watershed approach
advocates preventing problems by controlling their source using various best
management practices. Thus risks are diminished and the water supply system
reliability may be improved. In planning studies dealing with risk, a key
question is, “how much are the risks reduced by source controls?“Risk
assessment” and “risk management” are procedures that recognize and incorporate
elements of uncertainty in the evaluation of alternatives for protecting water
supplies. These procedures provide a logical structure to make decisions
determining which protective measures are most effective at reducing the risks
to acceptable levels. They can be applied to help develop general watershed
management policies and to evaluate site-specific water supply conditions for a
particular community. Risk assessments for water supply questions utilize
technical information to characterize the magnitude of human health risk. There
are three elements of a problem that are relevant to risk assessment. These
· A source of
contamination exists.
· One or more
pathways exist, by which the contaminants may migrate to the well.
· One or more
water consumers use the well and may experience health problems from
contaminated drinking water.
Appendix B
provides a more detailed explanation of risk management and responses that may
be used to reduce human health risk.
Implementing the Plan
plans are implemented through a variety of tools that are administered by
several agencies at the provincial and local level. These tools can generally
be categorized under the headings of land use planning, water and wastewater
master planning, water resource regulations, land and water stewardship programs,
public land acquisition programs, infrastructure development and maintenance,
remedial measure programs and other operational activities. The province,
municipalities, and conservation authorities will implement the watershed plan
if they have been actively involved in developing the plan and if it is socially
and economically practical as well as environmentally sound.
a small percentage of industries and landowners will take an interest or become
involved in deve loping a watershed plan. The “What’s in it for me?"
attitude will vary greatly among interest groups, stakeholders and the public,
so a range of incentives are required to reach various people. Some just need information;
some respond to recognition and applause or to peer pressure; and some may
actually participate in order to avoid the courts. The incentives for
participants should include education, information, opportunities to
participate in planning or “hands-on” action, applause and celebration,
cost-sharing incentives, public-private partnerships, and finally, surcharges,
regulation, and enforcement (Minshall, 2000). The benefits of an approach
employing this range of incentives rather than the traditional regulation and
enforcement approach include reduced effort to cause change, longer-lasting
change, and broader public support. In order to gain support for protecting
drinking water sources, it is important to involve and educate citizens
to protect
drinking water and the environment in general. Programs such as the Annual
Children's Ground Water Festival are held each year in the Regional Municipality
of Waterloo, Peel Region and commencing in the Saugeen River watershed in 2001.
This festival helps children and their parents learn about the nature and value
of groundwater.
Yellow Fish Road program is another initiative that encourages stewardship and
promotes awareness of the connectivity of urban storm drains with local creeks
and rivers. Landowner stewardship programs help improve the landowners' management
practices for their properties. The soil and crop improvement associations,
conservation authorities, and the stewardship councils sponsored by the
Ministry of Natural Resources all have various programs in this regard. Led by
municipalities and public interest groups, promotional campaigns to reduce
water demand through water conservation methods have been effective in the
Grand River watershed. Canadian Heritage River designations of the Grand,
Humber and Thames rivers, coupled with river-focussed tourism campaigns have
made the public aware of the rivers as an environmental, economic, aesthetic
and recreational asset, not as the glorified sewer of past eras. Conversion of
abandoned railways running beside the Grand River into recreational trails for
hikers and bicyclists increased the visibility and awareness of the river.
Arthur, Michael A. Principe, Anne Seeley, John LaDuca, Larry Beckhardt, Walter
Faber Jr., and Jeff Mantus (1997) “Watershed Protection for New York City’s
Water Supply” in Journal AWWA, Volume 89, March, pp. 75-88.
Robert W. (1996). Addressing Barriers to Watershed Management in Proceedings
Watershed ’96, “Moving Ahead Together” Technical Conference and Exhibition,
June 8-12, 1996, Baltimore, Maryland summarized from Environmental Law, Volume 25, pp. 973-1106 cited in <http://www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/Proceed/adler.html>
Environment (1999) The Framework for Water Management Planning A Discussion
Draft, June 9, <http://www.gov.ab.ca/env/water/legislation/Framework.pdf>
on Watershed Management, Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on
Environment, and Resources, and National Research Council, (1999) New
Strategies for America’s Watersheds” Executive Summary, Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press, <http:/www.nap.edu/html/watershed_strategies/>
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